--- title: "The iterors package: Fast, compact iteration and tools" output: html_vignette: readme: true self_contained: true vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{The iterors package: Fast, compact iterations and tools} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- [![CRAN status](https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/iterors)](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=iterors) [![R-CMD-check](https://github.com/crowding/iterors/actions/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/crowding/iterors/actions/workflows/check_full.yaml) [![pkgdown](https://github.com/crowding/iterors/actions/workflows/pkgdown.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/crowding/iterors/actions/workflows/pkgdown.yaml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/crowding/iterors/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=kqLgHxP1Gh)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/crowding/iterors) A fresh take on iterators in R, leading to faster, shorter code. ## Features * Main method `nextOr(iter, or)`; allows simpler and faster code. * `iteror` objects are cross-compatible with existing code using `iterators` (such as the `foreach` package.) * Optimized performance, with often several times less overhead per item. * Compatible with Python iterators, via the `reticulate` package. * Comes with batteries included: a complete collection of iterator functions, ported, curated and harmonized from packages `iterators`, `itertools`, and `itertools2`, ## How is it different from `iterators`? `iterors` uses the method `nextOr(it, or)` to retrieve the next element. The trick is that the second argument `or` is lazily evaluated, so it can specify a return value _or_ an action to take at the end of iteration. In particular, `or` can be a control flow operator like `break` or `next` or `return`. For example, this is how you can compute a sum over an iteror `it`: ```{R eval=FALSE} total <- 0 repeat total <- total + nextOr(it, break) ``` To contrast with the previous `iterators` package: In that package `nextElem` signals end of iteration by throwing an exception, which means all iterator code had to be written inside a `tryCatch`. Computing a sum over an iterator looked like this: ```{R eval=FALSE} total <- 0 tryCatch( repeat total <- total + nextElem(it), error=function(x) { if (conditionMessage(x) != "StopIteration") stop(x) } ) ``` Besides requiring less boilerplate, iterator code written using `nextOr` also performs faster, particularly when using higher-order iterator functions. This is because `tryCatch` is a relatively expensive operation in R, especially when used once per item. It is also not possible(*) to use `break` or `next` to exit an outer loop from inside a `tryCatch` handler function. while `nextOr` is designed with that use in mind. The [benchmarking](https://crowding.github.io/iterors/articles/benchmarks.html) vignette illustrates that computations using `iterors` can execute several times faster than using `iterators`. The `iterors` package grew out of, and is a complement to, the generators implemented in the [async](https://crowding.github.io/async/) package. [async::gen](https://crowding.github.io/async/reference/gen.html) lets you construct iterators with complex logic, using familiar imperative code with ordinary flow control constructs like `if` `for`, `switch` and so on. Meanwhile, functions in this package `iterors` let you manipulate the output of such a generator in functional style. These two packages form two complementary ways to work with sequential processes. ## More reading For a quick introduction, see [`vignette("iterors")`](https://crowding.github.io/iterors/articles/iterors.html) For an index of `iteror` functions organized by task, see [`vignette("categories", "iterors")`](https://crowding.github.io/iterors/articles/categories.html) If you are familiar with packages `iterators`/`itertools`/`itertools2`, some functions have been moved. See [`vignette("cross-reference", "iterors")`](https://crowding.github.io/iterors/articles/cross-reference.html) To learn how to build custom iterors, see [`vignette("writing", "iterors")`](https://crowding.github.io/iterors/articles/writing.html) ## Installation For prerelease, run the following after installing [devtools](https://github.com/r-lib/devtools): ```{R, eval=FALSE} devtools::install_github('crowding/iterors') ``` When the package is released, you will be able to install the stable version from [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=iterors): ```{R, eval=FALSE} install.packages('iterors', dependencies=TRUE) ``` ## License Copyright (c) 2023 Peter Meilstrup. This package as a whole is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0, or (at your option) any later version. Portions of this package are derived from the `iterators` package, copyright (c) 2008-2010 Revolution Analytics. Portions of this package are derived from the `itertools`package, copyright (c) 2015 Steve Weston. Portions of this package are derived from the `itertools2` package, copyright (c) 2015 John A. Ramey. Where functions in this package are derived from previous works, this is noted in the Rd documentation, and the original license notice is retained at the top of the relevant source files.